Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Let me know what you think...
I'm curious about how many people actually read this blog. So I challenge you to let me know. After this post-there is a button that says something about leaving a comment. click on that and post me your name and what you think of this blog. If you don't have a google account, you should be able to post anonymously, I think. I'm just curious if you think I should try to post more often, put more pictures on here, or what suggestions you may have. You could also email me .
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Turkey day comes in April!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
We've been busy beavers!

What a streak of amazing weather we have been having! This whole last week has been sunny and perfect spring weather. A couple of days were even border-line hot!
So we just got over having a garage sale. Thanks to my mom for her help on Friday!! I got to sell an unbelievable amount of my boys' clothes. Jerod sold some tools and antlers. Thanks for my fellow Sassy Scrappers Sara, Tonya, Kimmie and Lyn for stopping by and contributing to the de-junking cause! Big thanks to Kimmie for letting me cuddle with Addi and feed her. She is just too cute! Jess and my mom contributed some more stuff, so we had quite a variety of things to offer to the public. It'd be nice if everything would've sold, but there is much less junk to pack up. And get this-next Saturday is JUNK DAYS in Dodgeville so we can put the leftovers at the curb for pick up!
Since I haven't updated this thing in a while, I need to tell you about our weekend last weekend. It was the perfect way to spend time together. Saturday we met for service,then helped clean the hall. I had bought Spiderman 3 tickets online a couple days prior, so we were going to go into Madison to the IMAX showing that afternoon. Kieran wasn't cooperating very well, so he went over to David's house and Uncle Shane was able to tag along and take Kieran's place. Cayden was so excited to see Spidey 3 that he was literally jittery and bee-bopping in his chair. It was almost more entertaining to watch him squirming in his seat than it was watching to movie. Almost... The movie was really awesome. It is the most expensive movie ever made-$250 million, but by the end of the opening weekend, it had already made enough money to put it into the black. Crazy, huh? We made our own contribution to the Spidey cause-$40 worth of it. One way to look at it is to say that we had a part (although miniscule) in making movie history.
Then Sunday, we had Palacios's over for lunch. John gave a great talk and it was so nice to finally have them over as a family. The kids did OK, and we grownups had a chance to visit. The weather wasn't really cooperating-it was cloudy, windy and cool-55* so we couldn't be outside to play as much as we wanted. But for the last hour we got to be out and then everyone enjoyed themselves.
That evening we just chilled out and ate leftover brats and hot dogs and played more outside. What a great weekend!
Last Thursday we took Cayden to an allergy specialist for allergy testing. We found out that he is quite allergic to trees, grass, pollen, ragweed, and fall tree mix. So for three seasons out of the year he suffers. That has been so evident this past 3 weeks with his scratchy, swollen eyes; stuffed up nose and swollen neck glands. In fact, the whole time we were in the Dr.'s office, he was digging at his eyes. Poor guy. Also discovered that he has a form of juvenile asthma. Not to where he needs an inhaler, but this past winter with his repeat bouts of bronchitis were signs of it. So we have him on remedies from Uncle Todd and some pharmaseutical (sp?) drugs for his symptoms. Singular at night time, some eye drops for his irritated eyes, and some nasal spray to help his congested nose. Also, each night he needs to take a bath since he plays outside so much, just to wash the pollen/irritants off of him. The doctor recommended shutting our windows and turning on the A/C sooner than later. That way the indoor air will be filtered. Well, it isn't quite warm enough for that yet, so we just have the fan on to circulate the air. Hopefully all of this will help him cope this summer.
Wow, this is really long-sorry. I really should post more regularly than every 3 weeks, huh?
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