The goof troop. (David, Cayden and Kieran)
The day was beautiful-we had a picnic lunch outside. It was a little breezy, but nice and warm. That night we went out to each with the Palacios family and I had the best Ribeye steak I've had in forever! It was so yummy. I had waitressed the night before so we had a little cash to treat ourselves on. It was nice to visit with them. Hard to believe in a few short months there will be another Palacios pumpkin to get to know and love!
Jerod got the go ahead to go back to work on May 7th. He's a little gun-shy, but if he sticks to his restrictions, he should be OK. 30 pounds isn't much, but he's got to stick to it. I hope it won't be too much. Hard to believe that he's been off work 7 months, well, when I look at the checkbook, it's not so hard to believe. I will miss him home in the mornings and afternoons. I know the boys will need to adjust to it as well. Jerod hasn't been up before 5 am for a while(not counting turkey season this week) so that early hour will be hard for him to get used to I'm sure.
Time to get the muchkins off to bed. Then I can sit down and watch LOST in peace. I'm so addicted to that show. HEROES, too on Monday nights. It could be worse I suppose. They are two shows that you can't possibly watch just once and be OK with it. You need to watch every week to know what happens next. Yep, I'm hooked. Doesn't hurt that Nathan Petrelli on HEROES is pretty nice to look at. HUBBA!
OK, enuf of that-I really gotta go! I hear a small eruption upstairs! Catch ya later!
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