What a beautiful autumn day it is outside! Very cool, breezy, crisp and sunny! This morning as I walked Kieran into daycare, the air definitely had that leafy fall smell. One morning last week smelled like that as well. I did hear on the weather channel that due to our insanely hot summer, the fall foliage wouldn't be so spectacular this year. Time will tell, I guess.
My mom drove over today to meet me for lunch at Pizza Hut. That was really nice. Today is an specially hard one on her and dad. Josh is going to be DF'd tonight. Another one bites the dust. I really don't know what to write about that, so I don't think I'll write anything. I thought that it'd be a nice distraction for her to come over for a while. She did thank me, so I'm glad I made the call this morning to invite her.
Tomorrow is my day off, so Kieran and I are going to be home most of the day I think to get some laundry done. I'd really like to spend time with him working on his letters. He is really starting to take an interest in his ABC's. Already he can make the letters K,I,M,O,P,H,T. Not bad for a 3 1/2 year old, huh? He'll sit with marker and paper, make his letters and then ask me what word spells. It's hard to explain that his letters don't actually spell a word, so I just sound out the letters and that seems to suffice. HA! I think with a consistent effort, he should be able to write his name by the time he turns 4 in January.
Daddy is working all week-end on a side job, so it'll be just me and the boys. Nana is coming over Sunday for the meeting to help out, and Papa is coming over later that afternoon to watch the boys until Jerod would get home, since I get to waitress at Arthurs on Sunday night. Yeah! Tip money!
That's my update for today...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Our August Zoo Trip!

August 31st, 2006.
The last week before school started, we took a van load to the Milwaukee Zoo. My nephew, Derek, my nieces, Megan, Lydia, and Melyssa, and my mom went along. We had a great time despite the stormy weather and getting rained on. But honestly, that just added to the trip. The big highlight, at least for my boys, was going through the Dinosaur Exhibit. There were life-sized robotronic dinos along the path, complete with sound effects. Kieran was pretty freaked out by the end of the hike. Another cool exhibit was the reptile/fish house. They had catfish bigger than the kids. I can't imagine swimming in a river and having something that big brush by me. I get the heeby-geebies just thinking about it.

One neat thing that the girls and I noticed was how many of the small reptiles and mammals natural homes are found in Panama. I have a feeling that the Genschaws will have all sorts of awesome stories of looking out their windows and seeing animals we only get to see in zoos.
They are leaving a week from tomorrow. I'm hoping to get to see them off from the airport. Having them a half a world away is really going to be hard. Those kids are like my own. My boys adore them, and I know it is going to be difficult to explain just how far "Panama" is from Dodgeville, when the concept of a 2 hour car ride is beyond comprehension for them at this age.
I am really hoping that they will have access to email since that will be the only way to keep in touch. This blog will also help them to keep up with stuff going on up here in the frigid north, too.
Well, today (Sept 27, 2006) is Wacky Wednesday-school gets out at 2pm and Cayden gets to be the classroom helper today. Boy was he stoked about that! Jerod got into it as well and went to Kwik Trip before he left for work and bought him 2 glazers donuts to eat on his special day. Not to be left out, Kieran scored a huge M&M cookie from Daddy. That was so sweet for him to do. Even though he can't be here in the morning, he knew how excited Cayden was gong to be today. I love this man no matter what, but every so often he does something to pleasantly surprise me.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Friday Sept 8, 2006
Well, hubby and I went to the back "specialist" in Milwaukee yesterday. What a collossal waste of time that was. I was hoping for an opinion or recommendation at least. All it was was a stuck up doctor firing off questions to Jerod and then sneaking a question about our trip to Wisconsin Dells back in February. I know that they are trying to pin his injury on that trip. How depressing and exasperating. i hope that when Jerod talks to the Worker's Comp guy, he lets him have it. If not, I'm sure I could put in my 2 cents worth. What a joke. We have to pay for the treatment that all the cheaters of worker's comp deserve. It just hurts so much to see my husband in pain 24/7 and taking Vicatin as if they were candy. Boy do we need the new system, more than ever..
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The first day of the rest of my life

Ok, so I've started a blog. I've needed to start a journal for some time now, today seemed like as good as a day as ever. My older son, Cayden started Kindergarten today. He's been in preschool for the last 2 years, so the separation anxiety was not a factor today. He walked into the room, allowed me to take 1 picture and then promptly found one of his friends from last years' 4-K class, Zach. He did manage to wave goodbye to me at least. I then took Kieran, 3 1/2, to daycare and went to work. I did get a little teary eyed thinking of what this milestone means to our family. Wow, it does go fast. Four or five years ago when we were fighting through sleepless nights, night terrors, and horrible tantrums, I remember thinking how I wished for Cayden to be old enough to reason with. Well, now I have that. I do miss the "little boy" he was, but I am excited to see him grow and find out what he will grow into.
Different subject-as a scrapbook junkie, you'd think I would have had dozens of pix documenting our morning. NOPE! No film in the camera-BAD MOMMY! At least I had my camera phone, so this is the picture I am hoping to post here for the world to see.
No digital camera for me, so to put pix on this blog will take a bit of work, but I will prevail!
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