So I don't remember ever having formal swimming lessons when I was young. But I do know I could swim by the time I was 3. Having grandparents who owned a hotel with an indoor pool PLUS having a large inground pool of their own AND living next door the first 8 years of my life helped alot.
Not sure why I haven't had the boys take lessons before this year-guess I wasn't with it. Now that I think of it, up until the beginning of last summer, Cayden was NOT a fan of water. Our trips to the beach consisted of him playing in the sand and Kieran trying his best to get as wet as possible for as long as possible. Cayden hated even taking off his shirt at the beach. Boy, oh, boy has he come a long ways. So I think that lessons before now would've been a waste of money on him. And God forbid Kieran learning anything before and better than him. (that whole sibling rivalry thing is seriously getting old already...)
So here are pix of their first day of lessons. OK-Kieran's preschool level is more playing in the kiddie pool than anything-but he loves it-so who am I to complain? He has taught himself to swim underwater and hold his breath for up to 16 seconds already, so if he wants to play-let him play! Cayden's level 1 class will hopefully teach him the breaststroke and how to jump into deeper water and swim back to the wall/ladder. Today was only the 2nd day-so the end results are a little hard to see. yet.
Oh, and the last one is the boys posing in their "I love my brother" look. They do so crack me up at times...
1 comment:
The brotherly love photo just melts my heart! What a great picture. You need to frame that one for sure!
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