I have got to get over this thing I have that makes me think that I can't update this thing without a picture or two. That is so not the case, as it just makes me fall far, far behind. So look at this, it is going to be October 1st tomorrow and I haven't written anything for over 2 weeks. Sorry.
Well, we've been sick. No big surprise there. Two weeks into school and Kieran comes down with a sinus infection and Cayden was suffering from a combo of fevers, earaches and sore throat. Strep test came back negative, so we aren't sure what he had. Now both boys have a lingering cough. yea! My least fave thing in the world is a cough that keeps them awake at night. My next to least fave thing in the world is when I have the cough, too. Which I do. I have been sick for 5 days now, and I am sick of being sick. Coughing so hard you see little points of light on the edge of your eyesight, coughing for 1-2 hours each night AFTER you try to go to bed, pounding headache each afternoon that sometimes Excederin Tension Headache medicine may not touch. I hate being sick. Plus side-Jerod's entertained the boys enough to let me either nap or go to bed earlier than normal. I've been exhausted.
Enough boo-hooing! I'm not dying, for crying out loud!
I wish I would've gotten a picture of our neighbors house to post here. Each year their house gets blanketed in TP during the homecoming game. This year was no different, actually was not quite as bad as last year. But still...In an odd, twisted way, it looked pretty cascading from the tree branches in the street light. I am not exaggerating when I say the guys who did it must've used 50-60 rolls of TP. Not the cheap stuff either-I saw a couple empty Charmin Mega-pack bags. Now, if I'm going to TP, I'm going to go for the cheap sandpaper-quality TP. Kids must have more money than I did in High School. Right now, it is raining something fierce, so everything should look really great in the morning. I just hope that not much blew into our yard....SIGH...
This morning was the first meeting we made all week since we've been sick. A bunch of other families must be sick too, since it was a pretty sparce crowd.
HOLY COW how did I forget to mention this? Josh is back with us. My mom had a little party last Thursday night after the meeting and then we had him over for lunch today. It's so nice to see him and talk with him again. His attitude is so positive, and I am happy to see him so happy. It's been a long year. Now we can have family gatherings again! WELCOME BACK JOSH!!!!
October will be a crazy month. CO's visit, Beck's youth hunt, Oktoberfest in Richland Center, re-roofing Kuh's, teacher conferences, picture day, my 3 month eye check up (can it only be 3 months?) Jerod's bow-hunting, AND we are being audited at work by the SIPC (securites and investment protection corporation). So before I know it, it will be November. YIKES! I better feel better soon!
OK, well, that's gotta do for now...Hope all is well in your world!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007

So, I don't know what kind of ice cream they may have in Panama, but something tells me that they don't have Culvers' frozen custard. So just in case the Genschaws have forgotten what this cone full of chocolate-heaven-on-earth looks like, I have provided these pictures to help remind you.....ENJOY!
Kieran's First Day of School...

So Kieran's school schedule is a little different this year. He has afternoon classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. No school at all on Wednesday. This is affectionately called Wacky Wednesday due to school being let out at 2 PM. So I drop him off at daycare after I drop off Cayden. The little school bus comes to pick Kieran up from daycare around noon, and I pick the boys up at 3:10. Now you know my daily routine for the next nine months. I am gratefull that the boys are already used to getting up early in the morning, so that hasn't been an adjustment we needed to make. The no nap for Kieran will be the hardest thing I believe. By Thursday of this week, I should have a good idea of how it will be for him.
I'll keep you in cyberspace posted as to how our school year is going!
School DAZE begins

I love how subdued he looks. Kieran on the other hand, well...

Boy, I remember being one of those kids that spent time every week cleaning and rearranging my desk so that everything was organized and easy to find. I wonder how Cayden's desk will be by the open house on the 18th. We'll see.
So the first day went well. Cayden likes his teacher Mrs. Oelklaus. She has been around awhile. She told me she had Darrin for 6th grade and some of the Rochon kids. She remembered Courtney as a "sweetie" What a compliment for Courtney! I hope she works out well as a teacher. As long as Cayden likes her, I'll be happy.
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