Monday, January 21, 2008

So all of us cheeseheads are in mourning...

Yes, our Packers came up short yesterday. SIGH! I actually had to remove myself from the game after witnessing all of the STUPID PENALTIES the Packers were given. STUPID mistakes, mental mistakes. I realize that they were playing in a consistent windchill of -25*, yikes! but still some of those mess-ups were unbelievable!

And what was up with Al "Hairy Dreadlocks" Harris and that Plexiglass Burress pairing? The coaching staff should've seen that "Hairy" Harris was simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH to guard him on his own. So did we see Plexiglass double-teamed? NOPE- ....UGH. (yes I know his name is not Plexiglass, it's just what I decided to call him, since I decided not to like him)

So we carry on this day in a disappointed demeanor. Brett only has so much time before he's got to be done, the guy is 38 for crying out loud. It would've been nice to see him in the Big Game one more time, but such is not to be....

One side note: I sure hope the Giants' Head Coach had someone in the medical profession look at his face after the game. If he didn't have the worst degree of frostbite on his cheeks and neck, I'll be shocked! He looked terrible! What a dork to not have anything protecting his skin in that kind of weather!!!!

................................ok, I feel much better now that I got that off my chest........PHEW!

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