We are going sledding this weekend at Palacios', so hopefully I'll get some good action shots of that, now that I finally have film. The boys are stoked and I got them new, waterproof Lands End boots so we are equipped to enjoy a day in the snow.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What a handsome boy-even with the bed head!
We are going sledding this weekend at Palacios', so hopefully I'll get some good action shots of that, now that I finally have film. The boys are stoked and I got them new, waterproof Lands End boots so we are equipped to enjoy a day in the snow.
Ahhh, young love!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Yeah, I know it's been a while...
Well winter is here in southwest Wisconsin. Our yard has about 7 inches of snow from 2 storms and the boys are in heaven! I don't think there is a square foot of untrampled snow in our yard-LOL!
We've been healthy for about 2 weeks now. A small victory since the flu is running rampant here. The boys are back into the routine of school/daycare every day with no whining about staying home. Thank goodness; it's next to impossible to get ready for work all the while having 2 whiny butt-boys crying about not wanting to go. And I'm not a morning person at all. I have been hitting my snooze button at least twice each morning just to eek out a few more minutes of peace and warmth in my bed. Sunday the meeting was cancelled due to the snow and Jerod took care of the boys so I could sleep. I didn't get out of bed until 9! Can't remember when I did that last.....It was great!
I've been tanning at Courtney Chitwood's tanning salon-Endless Sun. They opened up Jan 2. I haven't been this tan in years. It's like therapy for me. Somehow, tan fat doesn't look as bad as pasty white fat, ya know?
Kieran has started drawing still life objects-in a very surreal aspect, of course. But last Friday he sat at the dining room table and drew one of the stools at our kitchen counter. After he started describing what the drawing was of, I could make it out. Funny kid! He really is into writing words and then asking me what they say. Last Sunday he copied the years' text on the wall in the Kingdom Hall during the meeting. I was very impressed. Is it normal for an almost 4 year old to be writing this much? I can't remember Cayden being into letters this early.
Cayden's love right now is Monster Trucks. Monster Mutt, GraveDigger, Maximum Destruction are among his favorites. I've had to educate myself in this completely different genre. Not an easy task. He also likes to watch racing and car shows on TV. That's my boy-all boy!
Jerod is starting a new treatment on Monday. He is going forward with the Spinal Decompression procedure. The first 3 weeks he will go 4 times, then 3 times for 2 weeks and then 2 times the last week. We just decided to bite the bullet and pay for it however we can. I need to have my hubby back. He's to the point where he needs help getting his socks on and off, shoes, too. He can't pick things off the floor unless he drops to his knees to get it. And I know he is in alot more pain than he lets on. So something needs to be done. I pray that he will get relief with this treatment.
My mom, Jessica and Carrie and I got together last Friday and had a day of stamping and scrapping. I made several cards, and the other girls worked on their scrapbooks. Meanwhile the kids all played well together. I really like stamping, and can see myself doing lots of cards if I have time.
Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I wish I had a digital camera, I know that I'd post more if I had pictures to include. Someday...someday...
Tonight it's back to work at Arthurs for lobster night. Hope to make some decent $$. Boy I know I'll be dragging tomorrow a.m. Ugh...
Everybody out there, take care! - Shannon
We've been healthy for about 2 weeks now. A small victory since the flu is running rampant here. The boys are back into the routine of school/daycare every day with no whining about staying home. Thank goodness; it's next to impossible to get ready for work all the while having 2 whiny butt-boys crying about not wanting to go. And I'm not a morning person at all. I have been hitting my snooze button at least twice each morning just to eek out a few more minutes of peace and warmth in my bed. Sunday the meeting was cancelled due to the snow and Jerod took care of the boys so I could sleep. I didn't get out of bed until 9! Can't remember when I did that last.....It was great!
I've been tanning at Courtney Chitwood's tanning salon-Endless Sun. They opened up Jan 2. I haven't been this tan in years. It's like therapy for me. Somehow, tan fat doesn't look as bad as pasty white fat, ya know?
Kieran has started drawing still life objects-in a very surreal aspect, of course. But last Friday he sat at the dining room table and drew one of the stools at our kitchen counter. After he started describing what the drawing was of, I could make it out. Funny kid! He really is into writing words and then asking me what they say. Last Sunday he copied the years' text on the wall in the Kingdom Hall during the meeting. I was very impressed. Is it normal for an almost 4 year old to be writing this much? I can't remember Cayden being into letters this early.
Cayden's love right now is Monster Trucks. Monster Mutt, GraveDigger, Maximum Destruction are among his favorites. I've had to educate myself in this completely different genre. Not an easy task. He also likes to watch racing and car shows on TV. That's my boy-all boy!
Jerod is starting a new treatment on Monday. He is going forward with the Spinal Decompression procedure. The first 3 weeks he will go 4 times, then 3 times for 2 weeks and then 2 times the last week. We just decided to bite the bullet and pay for it however we can. I need to have my hubby back. He's to the point where he needs help getting his socks on and off, shoes, too. He can't pick things off the floor unless he drops to his knees to get it. And I know he is in alot more pain than he lets on. So something needs to be done. I pray that he will get relief with this treatment.
My mom, Jessica and Carrie and I got together last Friday and had a day of stamping and scrapping. I made several cards, and the other girls worked on their scrapbooks. Meanwhile the kids all played well together. I really like stamping, and can see myself doing lots of cards if I have time.
Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I wish I had a digital camera, I know that I'd post more if I had pictures to include. Someday...someday...
Tonight it's back to work at Arthurs for lobster night. Hope to make some decent $$. Boy I know I'll be dragging tomorrow a.m. Ugh...
Everybody out there, take care! - Shannon
Monday, January 08, 2007
Welcome to the work week!
Good Monday to you all! We had a great Saturday. Jerod and I got to go to Madison with Eric and Melyssa to "oversee" them while they registered for their wedding at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We had a fun time with them. It was great to get to spend time with Eric and get to know him better. He's going to be a good addition to the crazy Silvers' clan.
Sunday wasn't so great. From the get-go we were all on each other's nerves, the boys whining about everything and Jerod and I taking our frustrations out on each other. Ugh! I hate days like that. So I am glad to be at work today.
One purchase I made on Sat. was a Calvin & Hobbes book. All of the collections were on sale for $10!!! I should've bought another one, but I got 1. I was reading it before bed, enjoying the step back in time and laughing. I have a whole new perspective when I read it now that I am the mom to two "calvin-like" boys. Wow, so far, my boys haven't done anything even close to the crazy things Calvin does, but I can see that it will definitely be a possibility in the next 2 years. Hopefully I can just smile and shake my head when I have to deal with it.
Cayden has become a fan of Star Wars and wants to be Darth Vader all the time. A little disturbing, but I'm hopeful once he watches the older Star Wars movies, he'll turn to liking Luke and Han Solo better. Kieran has mastered (i mean this in the most lenient form) writing his name. I will take a picture of him doing it and post it here for you to see. I'm very proud of him, writing his name before he turns 4 I think is pretty amazing. He's pretty hooked on trying to write all sorts of words and letters. In fact last week he was writing stuff like B=N; X=P, N=O. Not sure where he learned these algebraic-like phrases, but he even knew that "=" means equals. Must've picked it up from daycare. Maybe I am getting my money's worth there after all.
Take care all of you! - Shan
Sunday wasn't so great. From the get-go we were all on each other's nerves, the boys whining about everything and Jerod and I taking our frustrations out on each other. Ugh! I hate days like that. So I am glad to be at work today.
One purchase I made on Sat. was a Calvin & Hobbes book. All of the collections were on sale for $10!!! I should've bought another one, but I got 1. I was reading it before bed, enjoying the step back in time and laughing. I have a whole new perspective when I read it now that I am the mom to two "calvin-like" boys. Wow, so far, my boys haven't done anything even close to the crazy things Calvin does, but I can see that it will definitely be a possibility in the next 2 years. Hopefully I can just smile and shake my head when I have to deal with it.
Cayden has become a fan of Star Wars and wants to be Darth Vader all the time. A little disturbing, but I'm hopeful once he watches the older Star Wars movies, he'll turn to liking Luke and Han Solo better. Kieran has mastered (i mean this in the most lenient form) writing his name. I will take a picture of him doing it and post it here for you to see. I'm very proud of him, writing his name before he turns 4 I think is pretty amazing. He's pretty hooked on trying to write all sorts of words and letters. In fact last week he was writing stuff like B=N; X=P, N=O. Not sure where he learned these algebraic-like phrases, but he even knew that "=" means equals. Must've picked it up from daycare. Maybe I am getting my money's worth there after all.
Take care all of you! - Shan
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
When is it too old to roller skate?
Last Monday, Wes fell and broke his lower leg in two places at a congregation roller skating party. We had just been at their house that day for an awesome fried turkey dinner with the friends we went camping with. We had been joking that day about not breaking a leg. Well, guess nobody's laughing now, huh? Poor guy will be laid up for 8-12 weeks. Hope he (and his wife) survives that. He had to have surgery to insert a rod in his leg to help it set. Yuckky!
So if you can, drop him a line or an email. Address is deliverancer@charter.net
So if you can, drop him a line or an email. Address is deliverancer@charter.net
Welcome to 2007!
It is true that every year you grow older, the faster time goes. It was just yesterday (or so it seems) that we moved to Dodgeville. In reality it has been 1 year and 2 months. Crazy....
We had a great winter break. The boys spent 2 days at Nana's house. They were thrilled to be able to go to the new playland at the McD's in Richland Center. Then, Wed night their friend David came over for a couple hours to play. I was called in to work at Arthurs that night, so I missed out on that. By that time I hadn't seen the boys for a couple of days and boy did I miss them! Thursday we didn't do much except hang out at home. Friday we had an awesome day.
After Dad finished working at Misty & Todd's house we headed into Madison to see "Night at the Museum" at the IMAX. Valerie and Brittney went with us too. The boys loved the movie, actually, all of us did. Very entertaining! After the movie, we treated the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. We had never been there before and decided it was time. Got to be honest, it wasn't exactly what I imagined. It is definitely geared for the 8 and under crowd. So the boys were in HEAVEN! They even got to hug Chuck E. Cheese himself! Cayden took to Skee-ball very well and Kieran got hooked on Whack a Mole. By the end, we had over 300 tickets which got us, 2 rubber spiders, one spider ring, two tiny toy airplanes, two plastic "bling-bling" rings for mommy, and two tiny hand clappers. The boys were thrilled and now that is all we hear.."Can we go to Chuck E. Cheese, PLEEEEEEEASE?" Wow-I think we created two monsters..
The next morning we all had tummy issues and I think we ate something questionable the night before. But it was only a little bug, so by the afternoon we were fine. I had Stampin Up party and made a couple neat cards and ordered some stamping supplies in order to do more projects. I'm excited to get my stuff and get to work.
Yesterday we were at Shane and Jess's for a football party. Jess's sister, Sara, was there with her family. Keegan is only a couple days older than Cayden, so you can well imagine how much fun the boys had. We brought Legos and Hot Wheel cars and they were loving life to say the least. I got to rock Sara's little boy, Quinn, to sleep. He's 9 months and just a cutie. I haven't held a baby in forever, so I cherished it. Then I got to hold Micah and Kasey's little girl. she's only 9 weeks and did she ever smell lovely. I'm not sure what Kasey uses in her wash, but whatever it is smells heavenly!
Sorry I don't have pictures, I have been slacking off lately. Bad Mommy!
Well, there is our update. I'll post again if I missed any important details!
We had a great winter break. The boys spent 2 days at Nana's house. They were thrilled to be able to go to the new playland at the McD's in Richland Center. Then, Wed night their friend David came over for a couple hours to play. I was called in to work at Arthurs that night, so I missed out on that. By that time I hadn't seen the boys for a couple of days and boy did I miss them! Thursday we didn't do much except hang out at home. Friday we had an awesome day.
After Dad finished working at Misty & Todd's house we headed into Madison to see "Night at the Museum" at the IMAX. Valerie and Brittney went with us too. The boys loved the movie, actually, all of us did. Very entertaining! After the movie, we treated the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. We had never been there before and decided it was time. Got to be honest, it wasn't exactly what I imagined. It is definitely geared for the 8 and under crowd. So the boys were in HEAVEN! They even got to hug Chuck E. Cheese himself! Cayden took to Skee-ball very well and Kieran got hooked on Whack a Mole. By the end, we had over 300 tickets which got us, 2 rubber spiders, one spider ring, two tiny toy airplanes, two plastic "bling-bling" rings for mommy, and two tiny hand clappers. The boys were thrilled and now that is all we hear.."Can we go to Chuck E. Cheese, PLEEEEEEEASE?" Wow-I think we created two monsters..
The next morning we all had tummy issues and I think we ate something questionable the night before. But it was only a little bug, so by the afternoon we were fine. I had Stampin Up party and made a couple neat cards and ordered some stamping supplies in order to do more projects. I'm excited to get my stuff and get to work.
Yesterday we were at Shane and Jess's for a football party. Jess's sister, Sara, was there with her family. Keegan is only a couple days older than Cayden, so you can well imagine how much fun the boys had. We brought Legos and Hot Wheel cars and they were loving life to say the least. I got to rock Sara's little boy, Quinn, to sleep. He's 9 months and just a cutie. I haven't held a baby in forever, so I cherished it. Then I got to hold Micah and Kasey's little girl. she's only 9 weeks and did she ever smell lovely. I'm not sure what Kasey uses in her wash, but whatever it is smells heavenly!
Sorry I don't have pictures, I have been slacking off lately. Bad Mommy!
Well, there is our update. I'll post again if I missed any important details!
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